Lauren White

At the age of 18, Lauren  entered rehab to address her struggles with addiction, including issues with drugs, alcohol, and bulimia. For many years, she tried to maintain the facade of being "perfect," despite the underlying pain and difficulties she couldn't handle. Turning to addictions became a way to escape that pain, but she justified her actions, believing it wasn't that bad. However, this progressive illness led her to a point of deep self-hatred.

Lauren realised that true change was necessary, and she turned her life around by seeking help. She understands that recovery begins with surrender and humility, and she believes that anyone can achieve it by believing they deserve a life free from pain. For Lauren, getting sober and working on herself was the path to true happiness. It required her to discover her authentic self and determine who she truly wanted to be, rather than conforming to others' expectations.

Lauren now embraces life with acceptance, knowing that no matter what the outcome, she will always be okay. She emphasises the importance of rewiring the mindset and reprogramming self-talk, reminding others that they are good enough.

"You don’t have to get everything right. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. Embrace your imperfections and keep moving forward." - Lauren White

Lauren White

Lauren White's Work

Now, Lauren White is a transformation mentor specialising in trauma, addiction, mental health, and well-being. She works with successful, hard-working high achievers who struggle to break free from toxic behaviours, self-sabotage, and addiction.

Lauren is dedicated to helping them overcome these challenges and create a pathway to the life they truly deserve, no matter what it takes.

She has delivered talks across the UK, primarily in collaboration with the Amy Winehouse Foundation and The Prince's Trust. She also worked with LACAUK, delivering workshops to private schools.

During her three years in Hong Kong, Lauren partnered with KELY Group, focusing on youth empowerment and well-being. In addition, she has collaborated with various brands and companies, offering insights and guidance on mental health, mindset, self-esteem, and overall well-being for their staff and employees.

Through her platform, Lauren motivates and inspires individuals to address and overcome challenges like addiction and mental health issues, driving meaningful change in their lives.

Lauren White


Lauren has really helped me discover and prove to myself the confidence i've always had hidden within. I really appreciate the personal approach and the care and encouragement she provided throughout the process. Ive developed some momentum in my life since we started working together." Michael

"Having Lauren as my coach helped me define realistic goals in a helpful way and allowed me to take better control of my life with a more positive perspective" Steven

"Working with Lauren therapeutically was amazing. I got a lot of benefits out of the practices, I learnt daily tools to support my healing that I am usuing. I have managed to start addressing and overcoming addictions as well as better understanding of inner childhood wounds" - Claire

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Lauren White

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Follow Lauren on Social Media @iamlaurenwhite
