Mark Freeman

Mark Freeman is a mental health coach and workshop facilitator specializing in human-centered design.

Having overcome severe mental illness personally, he is dedicated to utilising technology and innovative design strategies to assist individuals in navigating the intricate journey towards enhancing and sustaining optimal mental health and physical fitness. Through his unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise, Mark empowers others to embrace transformative changes and cultivate a holistic approach to well-being.

Mark is also the author of the best selling book 'YOU ARE NOT A ROCK' which is a mental health skills book full of concepts and practices that anybody can use to handle the stuff in their heads all while doing the things they care about in life.

Mark believes in approaching mental health in the same we approach physical fitness: as something we all need to work at proactively before we’re forced to care for it because of a crisis.

"If you want to learn how to lift heavy weights or sustain difficult changes, it helps to learn from somebody that does it and loves it." - Mark Freeman

Mark Freeman

Work with Mark.

During his journey towards recovery from various mental health diagnoses, Mark identified a significant gap in available mental health services. While he was absorbing theoretical knowledge about the changes necessary for his well-being, he found a lack of individuals who could demonstrate the practical application of these changes in real-life scenarios. This absence reminded him of visiting a gym where personal trainers had only studied weightlifting from books, but had never actually lifted weights themselves.

In the realm of mental health, Mark realised the need for a role akin to that of a personal fitness trainer – someone who not only understands the practice but also lives it, excels in it, and continually challenges themselves to guide others effectively.

Over a decade since leaving his mental illness diagnoses behind, Mark has taken on this role with dedication. He focuses on enhancing his mental fitness, maintaining his recovery, exploring different forms of support, and pushing the boundaries of his mind to acquire skills that he can share with others.

Mark believes that to master lifting heavy weights or navigating challenging life changes, learning from someone who not only does it but also has a genuine passion for it is invaluable.

Mark Freeman


"Mark is a brilliant combination of gentle and compassionate while also challenging you to take ownership over their mental health. He approaches everything from a holistic point of view, acknowledges how the pace of the modern world can exacerbate issues and how to be healthy regardless, and shares his own story with compassion and humor."- Abby

"Marks book can change your entire view of mental health and of feelings and emotions. If you struggle with negative emotions, anger, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness please please please read this book." - Eric

"This is everything that needs teaching as part of school curriculums when kids embark on their journey from childhood and through adolescence. It is written in a simple, jargon-free way and with humour, coming from the standpoint of Mark who suffered with mental health issues to quite a severe degree. It is a book that should be studied rather than read through just the once."- Chris

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Mark Freeman

You Are Not a Rock - Mark Freeman.


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