Ram Davies

Ram Davies has been a dedicated figure in the wellness industry for over 25 years, cultivating a deep expertise in sound as a healing modality. His journey began through the practices of yoga and meditation, where he was profoundly moved by the collective energy of hundreds of people chanting mantras together. This experience sparked a fascination with the power of sound, leading him to explore its potential as a tool for healing.

A pivotal moment in Ram’s journey occurred during his first trip to India, where he encountered a Tibetan singing bowl. The resonant vibrations of the bowl had a profound impact on him, evoking a deep sense of familiarity, as though he was reconnecting with something ancient and intrinsic. This experience ignited a passion in Ram to understand everything about sound and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

Ram has been fortunate to train with many renowned teachers in the field of sound healing, continually expanding his knowledge and skills. His approach is a harmonious blend of ancient traditions and modern technology, allowing him to create a unique and effective method of healing. He finds it exhilarating to be part of the fast-growing field of vibrational medicine, where new discoveries and techniques are constantly emerging.

At Sanctuary Hill, Ram is dedicated to sharing the transformative power of sound with others. He is passionate about helping people explore how sound can bring balance, peace, and healing into their lives, and he continues to learn and evolve in this dynamic field.

"Sound and Frequency is the future of medicine." - Ram Davies

Ram Davies

Work with Ram

Ram’s work is deeply focused on supporting individuals in their personal wellness journeys, primarily through one-on-one sessions where he feels most called to serve. He believes that personalised attention allows him to connect more profoundly with each client, helping them to achieve their unique wellness goals. Ram uses a diverse range of modalities and techniques, all rooted in the philosophy of helping clients return to their natural state of balance and coherence. This approach not only promotes healing but also empowers clients to sustain their well-being.

In addition to his individual sessions, Ram also facilitates group work, though his passion remains with the transformative power of one-on-one interactions. His commitment to wellness extends beyond his direct work with clients; Ram is also a dedicated practitioner trainer. He offers comprehensive training programs for those interested in learning the art and science of sound healing. Through these programs, he shares his extensive knowledge and experience, guiding others on how to use sound as a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

Ram Davies


"I had hoped that sound healing would provide personal healing and that l would find my inner balance. It did all of that, but my experience was much more profound than l could ever have imagined. It took me on a healing journey beyond words and familiar realms. I feel that my body and mind have aligned and things I wasn't even aware of are more in tune.. I always leave Rams sessions grounded and euphoric. Thank you Ram for facilitating such magic. I can't speak highly enough about your work."Janine

"The Sound Healing training offered by Ram is structured and guided in such a way that I was able to understand the foundations and techniques of the practice, and embody them. The offerings within the 6 days moved me from my cells outward. Through fully experiencing the power of sound my body and mind have been lifted to a new frequency, leaving me feeling extremely grateful for this practice. " Tess

"I have been working with Ram for a period of a little over 6 months. My main purpose was to gain help with the severe anxiety that has been restricting my life. While my anxiety has gone the thing I really find fascinating is my glaucoma has improved, my blood pressure has improved, my kidney function has improved, and I sleep better than ever. I feel every aspect of my health has been enriched and I am so thankful. I can't recommend Ram and Sound Healing enough." Lynne

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